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Nicki 3 - 8 months

Nicki Nicki

Nicki 3 months old.

A nap with mum (Nicki is on the right), 3 1/2 months old.

Nicki Nicki

Sleeping and snuggling with mum, 6 months old. Nicki is the one on the right hand side. Nicki was allowed to suckle milk from Gandi until she was 8 months old.


Nicki (to the left) and Gandi, Nicki 8 months old.

What happened to the three other siblings:

Filou (Necki) was the first one quitting: He moved a nice family with children (he would have been not happy and bored without children ;-)) within our city. He even found a female friend cat who accompanies him on his trips outside. He is notorious inthe whole neighbourhood for pinching food from layed tables: His best prey was probably half of a grilled chicken...

Mila (Nacki) and Muschka (Nucki) moved to a wonderful home at our neighbour family. Mila loves prowling in the garden and sometimes it is hard to get here inside at night. Muschka on the other hand, ist very shy when going outside.

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